Stories of Regret

My Daughter’s Stroke

My 40 year old daughter, who has MS, and I listened to all the fear mongering by the PM. As a mom and her caregiver I worried that if she got covid it could kill her. Well my worst fears happened, not because we were not unvaccinated but because we were vaccinated. My daughter was…

My only brother My friend

On May 29/2021 My brother Jaroslaw Melchior took his first Moderna shot his family Dr.Vanda Phillips was the one That gave him the injection He got sick the very next day he told me he could not breathe propearly That He had to sleep Setting up, I ask him if he went back to his…

2 TIA’s, heart issues, and new onset Rheumatoid and Psoriatic arthritis within months of 1 moderna vaccine shotshot

I held out for almost 2 years but in June of 2022 before the flying mandates were suspended and after the truckers convoy was illegally removed, i needed to fly at the end of the year. I broke down and took a single dose of Moderna vaccine on June 4 2022 in an effort to…


I am 68 years old have always been healthy. I had a physical in March 2021 everything was good kidney function normal. On April 21st 2021 I had a Moderna shot. Within weeks I had lost weight my skin turned brown and I had no energy. On June 16th I had bloodwork for something else…

Child denied Unvaxx Blood

Hi there , My story is still pretty raw. 12 weeks ago My child was having a check up for a swollen arm I took him to IWK IN Halifax NS, They found out he had low haemoglobin you see LUC has a rare genetic condition so rare he’s the only one in CANADA with…

Immune system reacts to vaccines and no doctors want to connect

I have been having issues with my legs and feet. I now have my feet and thighs that are swelling and now the swelling in my feet is one foot or the other and both feet swelling at same time. Went to hospital over a week ago as it was not going away and my…

Coincidence or Causation

On April 12, 2021, I had my first Pfizer vaccination as a proponent of vaccination. Apart from having. a tender injection site, I felt fine. O On April 19, 2021, I suffered my first brain bleed. I mentioned to the paramedic and emergency doctor that I had been vaccinated a week earlier. The ER doctor…

I awoke in hell, not that I could see

So it all started with coercion, in a country where coercion is unconstitutional, on a planet where coercion for vaccines is a crime against humanity. I was no longer a person in Canada. The day after the Pfizer vaccine, I awoke, my eyes blinded by light, my hands , face and feet numb, but buzzing,…

Vaccine injured

After the second Moderna vaccine on September 21st 2021, I instantly got heart inflammation and my heartrate jumped to 150bpm. I’ve been to 3 emergency room visits, with no one believing me or helping me! They wouldn’t even give me any pain medication! I’ve been to 3 cardiologist’s and none of them want to help…


Thank goodness I trusted my gut feeling and did not get vaxxed! However, all of my family did, and they have all suffered from the vax. My daughter-in-law has had a miscarriage and is now pregnant again and it is a high-risk pregnancy as she is placenta previa and she has been bleeding the entire…

The volume of deaths and adverse reactions is creeping up at an alarming rate and with people settling in for the long haul in order to “normalize” this situation, the demand for more vaccines and boosters will elevate from governments and pharmaceutical companies.  As this unfolds, the toll that these injections are taking on our bodies will continue to increase in ways that we cannot even comprehend.  Vaccine regret has people asking themselves why they are taking these injections if they are not really protecting us, are not sufficiently stopping transmission, and are leading to a record number of deaths and adverse reactions for an illness that has a death toll which is essentially a rounding error?  This is especially the case for the population under 60 years of age, where the death rate from Covid is infinitesimal.

At Take Action Canada, we are hearing stories daily from people who are having second thoughts regarding their decision to vaccinate.  They could be worried about taking a second or even third shot.  They might have come to the realization that the shot will not actually protect them and regret rolling the dice on the possible side effects.  They might have heard stories from individuals that have already suffered due to the vaccinations.  Whatever is driving you to this page, we want to hear your stories.

  • My brother-in-law took his shot on Thursday and dropped dead on Sunday, he was 64 and no known health problems. I saw him before the EMTs arrived and every blood vessel in his face were broken and he wad dark purple, not pale or blue. So I hope someone will take a step back and check on these EUA vaccines, they haven’t been tested enough to be licensed by the FDA
  • An 18-year-old from Springdale, Arkansas, who had a heart attack after receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine said he’d rather get COVID than have a heart attack. Within 12 hours of the second dose, the teen developed a fever and chills.
  • I have transported 6 people with very concerning side effects of vaccine (stoke symptoms that turned out to be a very severe Bells Palsy, new onset seizures in an 18-year-old 6 hours after does 1, angiodema, 20-year-old who thought she had hives turned out to be vaccine induced shingles (from a paramedic)
  • A week ago my brothers 13-year-old son had his second shot. Less than 3 days later he died. The initial autopsy where that his heart was enlarged and there was fluid surrounding it.  He had no other health problems and was on no medication
  • Fifty-year-old Diana Davison has not had a period for more than a year. So when she started experiencing bleeding 12 hours after her first injection she was shocked. Worldwide, thousands of women have reported menstrual changes post-jab, according to various studies.