refuse the shot
By mark abramyk | Kelowna, British Columbia | July 22, 2023
s/w/m 13/04/1963 Shortly following my 2nd Pfizer shot….started with being unable to walk with leg calf blood clots and lung clots…and all other persistent symptoms…..major blood clotting….chronic fatigue…severe brain fog…brain damage…extreme confusion…crippling anxiety and depression…chronic headache…dizziness…tinnitus…body tics and severe body pain…insomnia…tightness in chest…difficulty breathing…vertigo…vision loss…chronic stiff neck and leg calfs…severe irritability…cant walk far out of breath…complete loss of social interaction abilities…all these symptoms and more… most of them chronically persistent and worsening over time over the past 2 or so years after the first symptom….

While we at are saddened by your story and hope there is a cure for your ailments sooner than later, we would like to thank you for stepping up and sharing your story. It’s important that more people understand the consequences the shot may have.