I am gaining my life back!
By Lisa Jeffrey | Niagara On The Lake, Ontario | April 19, 2023
I AM BACK! I feel so compelled to share my story. This is something I have not been public with. It’s more than personal, its life changing. It takes much courage to share this. I am a private person, yet I feel I must share, as I know for certain if there are others I can help then I must. I am a past paramedic of 16 years, so I know a thing or two about how vaxxs work…I personally have been dealing with a covid vaxx injury what will be for 2 years. I received my first vaxx ( I put it off as long as I could) after being required to have it in order to get into the niagara hospital to see my mother whom was suffering from a traumatic brain injury. The second one I got in order to go on a trip over sea’s, despite my SPIDEY senses telling me to not do it!! Every fibre of my being said get out of this arena with the sheep lined up, it was not sitting well with me!! The trip never happened as I was to leave the day after my only brother Matt ( otherwise in great health) had a sudden death in his sleep 2 weeks post vaxx at only 48 years old. On top of grieving the loss of my only sibling my brother and grieving the loss of my mom in the sense, of who she was, prior to her brain injury. I have been dealing with severe debilitating chronic fatigue, exercise intolerance, weight gain, tingling in my hands, POTS ( postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) racing heart, lock jaw & TMJ as well as brain fog for almost 2 years. Before the vaxx issues I was an extremely active, young healthy woman, who enjoyed running, walking, biking on the parkway in Niagara, working out at white oaks, doing fitness classes at white oaks, working multiple jobs, modelling, cooking, and just enjoying life with a clean, fog free mind! I am a graduate of sports and exercise management, obtained my EMT license and then my paramedic…..in addition to this, I was an owner of several businesses over the years here in Niagara. Post vaxx I could barley get out of bed each day!! Let alone get through my work. I had constant brain fog and no memory. I now am on the right path I feel, after much searching and then some… I have found a wonderful protocol I am practicing – a well known protocol in some worlds ( well known in the underground medical system which I must tell you is forever growing with some of Canada’s most finest and most respected medial specialists ever) It’s becoming not so “underground” any longer as so many people are injured as our government forces take over and hold medical Doctors to threats to not treat properly or even recognize vaxx injury as a “thing” or else they can loose their license) well let me tell you it is a “thing” and it’s not just in your head! The protocol I am practicing works on spike proteins to eradicate from the body. A result of the MRNA technology in the vaxxx. I am also taking high level antioxidants. I am on day 4 only and guess what? Its working! Amen! It’s actually working! my lock jaw is 90 percent better, my energy is back! I am back at the gym today with zero sign of exercise intolerance and I have NO brain fog. I am utterly amazed! This is the real deal. I hope in the future I will be able to assist in helping people that are vaxx injured, as I understand and so does my family at how debilitating it can be, and yes there are many, many people facing this issue of vaxx injury and many far worse then I am. I am determined to get my life back the way it was, it is most unfortunate my brother Matt paid the highest price of all and lost his life. In his honour and my desire to help, I will do all I can to share my story to assist in helping others dealing these issues. Stay tuned! xo Lisa Jeffrey, Niagara On The Lake, Ontario, Canada.