#Shedding Is A Real Thing

For myself I’m not vaccinated.

I was #Shedded on by someone that was vaccinated.
My experience was after walking daily with someone that was recently vaccinated. I did the math on the day she was vaccinated and it was two days after that when I broke out in many nickel and quarter size bruises on my right thigh. They didn’t hurt and lasted about a month.
The second time I was involved in a #shedding incident was when with the same walking group, a different girl but this time after 3 days of her vaccination I broke out with the same type bruises but this time on my right arm.

I will give you history on why I believe in shedding. When my sister (name withheld)  and I were young and they were giving vaccines for the small pox, the Dr said neither of us could get the shot. My sister had eczema and they said it wasn’t in her best interest to get the shot. Mom can’t remember the exact reasons at this time.
I couldn’t get the shot, because it was very dangerous for her if I did. The reason is – if I were to get in close contact with her, it could actually be fatal. And they knew it was impossible to keep small children away from each other for a month.

Thank you for all you are doing to wake up people.
